EPPO Global Database

Wilsonomyces carpophilus(STIGCA)

Code created in: 2001-10-12

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Wilsonomyces carpophilus
  • Authority: (Léveillé) Adaskaveg, Ogawa & Butler

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Ascospora beijerinckii Vuillemin
Clasterosporium carpophilum (Léveillé) Aderhold
Coryneum beijerinckii Oudemans
Coryneum carpophilum (Léveillé) Jauch
Omphalospora beijerinckii
Stigmina carpophila (Léveillé) M.B.Ellis
Thyrostroma carpophilum (Léveillé) B. Sutton

Common names
Name Language
gumspot of stone fruit English
shoot blight of cherry English
shoot blight of peach English
shot-hole of peach English
shot-hole of plum English
shot-hole of stone fruit English
Schrotschußkrankheit: Steinobst German
brûlure corynéenne des arbres fruitiers French
criblure des amygdalées French
criblure du cerisier French
criblure du pêcher French
criblure du prunier French
maladie criblée des arbres fruitiers French
cribado de los frutales Spanish
perdigonado de los frutales Spanish
tiro de munición del durazno Spanish
дырчатая пятнистость косточковых Russian
клястероспориоз Russian
haglskudsyge Danish
slyvų šratligė Lithuanian