EPPO Global Database

Lycianthes biflora(SOLBI)


Organism Type
Cheravirus arracaciae oca strain (as Solanaceae) (AVBO00) Experimental
Tobacco streak ilarvirus potato strain (as Solanaceae) (TSVP00) Experimental
Aculops lycopersici (as Solanaceae) (VASALY) Host
Bactrocera dorsalis (DACUDO) Host
* Teruya T (1994) Eradication of oriental fruit fly in Okinawa Islands. Commemorative publication on eradication of fruit flies in Okinawa prefecture. Naha, Okinawa, Japan: Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery of Okinawa Prefecture, pp. 163-170.
Bactrocera latifrons (DACULA) Host
* McQuate GT, Liquido NJ (2016) Provisional list of suitable host plants of Bactrocera (Bactrocera) latifrons (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), Version 1.0. Available online at: USDA Compendium of Fruit Fly Host Information (CoFFHI), Edition 3.0, https://coffhi.cphst.org/.

* Allwood AL, Chinajariyawong A, Drew RAI, Hamacek EL, Hancock DL, Hengsawad C, Jipanin JC,  Jirasurat M, Kong Krong C, Leong CTS, Kritsaneepaiboon S, Vijaysegaran S (1999) Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Southeast Asia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 7: 1-92
-------as Lycianthes macrodon

* Clarke AR, Allwood A, Chinajariyawong A, Drew RA, Hengsawad C, Jirasurat M, Krong CK, Kritsaneepaiboon S, Vijaysegaran S (2001) Seasonal abundance and host use patterns of seven Bactrocera Macquart species (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 49(2), 207-220.
-------as Solanum macrodon.
Bemisia tabaci (as Solanaceae) (BEMITA) Host
Epilachna vigintioctomaculata (as Solanaceae) (EPILVI) Host
Alphanucleorhabdovirus tuberosum (as Solanaceae) (PYDV00) Wild/Weed