EPPO Global Database

Septoria citri(SEPTCI)


Last updated: 2024-12-05

Incomplete world distribution. Found in many citrus-producing countries of the Mediterranean basin, South Africa, South America, Australia, India and California

Continent Country State Status
Africa Algeria Present, no details view...
Africa Morocco Present, no details view...
Africa South Africa Present, no details view...
America United States of America Present, restricted distribution view...
Asia India Present, no details view...
Asia Israel Absent, no pest record view...
Europe Greece Present, no details view...
Europe Italy Present, no details view...
Europe Italy Sicilia Present, no details view...
Europe Montenegro Present, no details view...
Europe Spain Present, no details view...
Europe Türkiye Present, no details view...
Oceania Australia Present, no details view...
Oceania New Zealand Present, no details view...