EPPO Global Database

Salix exigua(SAXEX)

Code created in: 1996-10-28

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: SAXEX
  • Preferred name: Salix exigua
  • Authority: Nuttall


Western Canada and USA, Mexico. Some sources have treated S. interior (q.v.) as a subspecies of S. exigua, with the consequence that the ,broader taxon carries the name \"sandbar willow\" and had a much wider distribution in eastern North America. In EPPT, S. exigua and S. interior are treated as separate species, as in Flora of North America.

WSSA list of weeds in North America

Common names
coyote willow English (US)
narrow-leaf willow English (US)
saule coyote French
saule intérieur French
Koyotenweide German