EPPO Global Database

Salix humboldtiana(SAXCJ)

Code created in: 2003-05-22

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: SAXCJ
  • Preferred name: Salix humboldtiana
  • Authority: Willdenow


Chile. Introduced in Mexico, Central America, Caribbean and most of South America

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Salix chilensis Molina

Common names
Name Language
Chile willow English
Humboldt's willow English
saule de Humboldt French
cheique Spanish
huayao Spanish
huejocote Spanish (HN)
mimbre Spanish (CO)
reique Spanish
sauce amargo Spanish
sauce blanco Spanish (CO)
sauce chileno Spanish
sauce colorado Spanish
sauce criollo Spanish
sauce llorón Spanish
treique Spanish
chorão Portuguese (BR)
oeirana Portuguese (BR)
salgueiro-do-mato Portuguese (BR)
salso-salseiro Portuguese (BR)
ива чилийская Russian