EPPO Global Database

Rhizoctonia solani(RHIZSO)

Code created in: 2002-07-16

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Rhizoctonia solani
  • Authority: Kühn

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Botryobasidium solani (Prillieux & Delacroix) Donk
Ceratobasidium filamentosum (Patouillard) Olive
Ceratobasidium solani (Prillieux & Delacroix) Pilát
Corticium areolatum Stahel
Corticium praticola Kotila
Corticium solani (Prillieux & Delacroix) Bourdot & Galzin
Hypochnus aderholdii Koloschina
Hypochnus cucumeris Frank
Hypochnus filamentosus Patouillard
Hypochnus solani Prillieux & Delacroix
Moniliopsis aderholdii Ruhland
Moniliopsis solani (J.G.Kühn) R.T.Moore
Pellicularia filamentosa (Patouillard) Rogers
Rhizoctonia aderholdii (Ruhl) Koloschina
Rhizoctonia macrosclerotia J.Matz
Rhizoctonia microsclerotia J.Matz
Thanatephorus cucumeris (A.B.Frank) Donk
Thanatephorus praticola (Kotila) Flentje

Common names
Name Language
areolate leaf spot English
black scurf of potato English
black speck of potato English
bordered sheath spot of rice English
bottom rot of lettuce English
collar rot English
damping-off of seedlings English
foot rot English
fruit rot English
leaf blight of yam English
sore shin of tobacco English
stem canker English
stem rot of cauliflower English
stem rot of potato English
target leaf spot of rubber English
tuber soft rot of yam English
web blight English
Fußfäule German
Pockenkrankheit: Kartoffel German
Stengelfäule German
Umfallkrankheit: Keimlinge German
Weißhosigkeit: Kartoffel German
Wurzelbrand: Keimlinge German
Wurzeltöterkrankheit: Kartoffel German
chancre de la tige French
chancre du pied de la pomme de terre French
fonte des semis French
maladie des manchettes de la pomme de terre French
pied noir French
pourridié French
pourriture basale French
pourriture de la tige French
pourriture du collet French
pourriture fauve French
pourriture noire des racines French
rhizoctone brun French
rhizoctone commun French
rhizoctone noir French
rhizoctone noir de la pomme de terre French
rhizoctone ocelle du ble French
tige noire French
toile ou fonte des semis French
variole des tubercules de la pomme de terre French
podredumbre de los semilleros Spanish
rhizoctonosis de la patata Spanish
sarna de la patata Spanish
viruela de la patata Spanish
tombamento Portuguese
белая ножка картофеля Russian
ризоктониоз картофеля Russian
чёрная парша картофеля Russian
bulvių šašai Lithuanian