EPPO Global Database

Phalaenopsis hybrids(PQAHY)


Organism Type
Dichorhavirus orchidaceae (OFV000) Host
* Bratsch SA, Lockhart BE, Ishimaru C (2015) Confirmation of first report of Orchid fleck virus in Phalaenopsis hybrid orchids in the USA. Plant Health Progress 16(4), 146-148.
Erwinia chrysanthemi (ERWICH) Host
Dichromothrips corbetti (as Phalaenopsis) (ANAPCO) Major host
Orthotospovirus impatiensnecromaculae (INSV00) Major host
* Baker CA, Davison D, Jones L (2007) Impatiens necrotic spot virus and Tomato spotted wilt virus diagnosed in Phalaenopsis orchids from two Florida Nurseries. Plant Disease 91(11), p 1515.

* Cheng XF, Dong JH, Fang Q, Ding M, McBeath JH, Zhang ZK (2010) Detection of Impatiens necrotic spot virus infecting Phalaenopsis in Yunnan. Journal of Plant Pathology 92(2), p 545.