EPPO Global Database

Potyvirus plumpoxi(PPV000)

Distribution details in Syrian Arab Republic

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2007: Present, few occurrences
From CABI Disease map 392 (2007): Present, few occurrences
EPPO Reporting Service 468 of 1986 and 504/04 of 1990.

EPPO Reporting Service (2003/092) : only one infected tree found in a recent intensive survey.

EPPO Reporting Service (2007/124) : strains D and M.
* Al-Chaabi S, Darwech AR, Esmael F, Mando J, Numan S, Matrod L, Al-Saleh A, Aswad F (2000) Arab Journal of Plant Protection 18(1), 17-23.

* Dunez, J. (1986) Preliminary observations on virus and virus-like diseases of stone-fruit trees in the Mediterranean and Near East countries. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 34 (1), 43-48.
------- First record for Syria.

* Ismaeil F, Al-Chaabi S, Myrta A, Savino V (2003) Characterization of Syrian isolates of Prunus necrotic ring spot virus (PNRSV) and Plum pox virus (PPV). Arab Journal of Plant Protection 21(2), 116-122.

* Ismaeil F, Al-Chaabi S, Myrta A, Savino V (2003) Detection and distribution of virus and virus-like diseases of stone fruits in Syria. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 21 (2), 73-78.

* Ismaeil F, Myrta A, Ghanem-Sabanadzovic NA, Al-Chaabi S, Savino V (2002) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 32 (3), 485-488.

* Ismaeil F (2006) Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 36 (2), 216.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Israel Present, few occurrences view...
Jordan Present, few occurrences view...
Lebanon Absent, confirmed by survey view...
Türkiye Present, restricted distribution view...