EPPO Global Database

Polygala chamaebuxus(POGCH)

Code created in: 1996-10-28

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: POGCH
  • Preferred name: Polygala chamaebuxus
  • Authority: Linnaeus


Central Europe, to France, Italy and Romania

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Chamaebuxus alpestris Spach

Common names
Name Language
bastard box English
box-leaved milkwort English
shrubby milkwort English
Alpen-Zwergbuchs German
buchsblättrige Kreuzblume German
buchsblättriges Kreuzblümchen German
Buchskreuzblume German
Wintergrün German
Zwergbuchs German
faux buis French
polygala petit-buis French
polygale faux-buis French
polygale petit-buis French
poligala falso-bosso Italian
puszpáng pacsirtafű Hungarian
šimširasti krestušac Croatian
zimostrázek alpský Czech
horčinka Slovak
žanjevec Slovene