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------- During experiments, P. punctatus fed upon this Pinus species when presented with cut twigs and egg laying was observed.
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------- Pinus maximartinezii, Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa (as Pinus washoensis).
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------- "The SPB infests and kills all pine species in its range"
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------- Adult host.
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------- Varying from slightly to highly susceptible.
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------- Varying from slightly to highly susceptible.
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------- Confirmed host.
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------- Low susceptibility.
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------- Living host.
* Scirè M, D’Amico L, Motta E, Annesi T. 2008. North American P type of Heterobasidion annosum shows pathogenicity towards Pinus halepensis in Italy. For. Path. 38 (2008) 299–301.
------- Pathogenic in inoculation trials. Also observed in an arboretum in California.