EPPO Global Database

Piper hispidum(PIPHI)


Paraleyrodes minei (as Piper) (PARYMI) Host
Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum (RALSPS) Host
* Rossato, M, Santiago TR, Mizubuti ESG, Lopes CA (2017) Characterization and pathogenicity to geranium of Brazilian strains of Ralstonia spp.. Tropical plant patholologu 42(6), 458–467
------- as Piper hispidinervum.

* Santiago TR, Lopes CA, Caetano-Anollés G and Mizubutia ESG (2017) Phylotype and sequevar variability of Ralstonia solanacearum in Brazil, an ancient centre of diversity of the pathogen. Plant Pathology 66,383–392
------- as Piper hispidinervum.
Ralstonia solanacearum (RALSSL) Host
* Rossato, M, Santiago TR, Mizubuti ESG, Lopes CA (2017) Characterization and pathogenicity to geranium of Brazilian strains of Ralstonia spp.. Tropical Plant Pathology 42, 458–467
Santiago TR, Lopes CA, Caetano-Anollés G and Mizubutia ESG (2017) Phylotype and sequevar variability of Ralstonia solanacearum in Brazil, an ancient centre of diversity of the pathogen. Plant Pathology 66,383–392
Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RALSSO) Host
* Rossato, M, Santiago TR, Mizubuti ESG, Lopes CA (2017) Characterization and pathogenicity to geranium of Brazilian strains of Ralstonia spp.. Tropical plant patholologu 42(6), 458–467
------- as Piper hispidinervum.

* Santiago TR, Lopes CA, Caetano-Anollés G and Mizubutia ESG (2017) Phylotype and sequevar variability of Ralstonia solanacearum in Brazil, an ancient centre of diversity of the pathogen. Plant Pathology 66,383–392
------- as Piper hispidinervum.

* Rossato, M, Santiago TR, Mizubuti ESG, Lopes CA (2017) Characterization and pathogenicity to geranium of Brazilian strains of Ralstonia spp.. Tropical Plant Pathology 42, 458–467