EPPO Global Database

Remotididymella destructiva(PHOMDE)

Code created in: 2002-03-23

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Remotididymella destructiva
  • Authority: (Plowright) Valenzuela-Lopez, J.F. Cano, P.W. Crous, J. Guarro & Stchigel

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Diplodina destructiva (Plowright) Petrák
Phoma destructiva Plowright
Phoma destructiva var. destructiva Plowright
Phoma destructiva var. diversispora Gruyter & Boerema
Phyllosticta lycopersici Peck

Common names
Name Language
black spot of tomato English
leaf spot of potato English
phoma rot of tomato English
Fruchtfäule: Tomate German
Schwarzfleckenkrankheit: Tomate German
pied noir de la tomate French
pourriture phoméenne de la tomate French
pie negro criptogámico del tomate Spanish