EPPO Global Database

Papaver atlanticum(PAPAT)

Code created in: 2014-04-26

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: PAPAT
  • Preferred name: Papaver atlanticum
  • Authority: (Ball) Cosson


Morocco (Atlas moutains, endemic). Cultivated as a garden plant. The name "Atlas poppy" is  more appropriate than "Atlantic poppy", which is based on a misinterpretation of the Latin name. The name "Spanish poppy" is not appropriate. A closely related species P. rupifragum occurs in the far south of Spain and throughout Morocco. P. atlanticum has been considered as a variety of P. rupifragum, endemic to the Atlas mountains.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Papaver rupifragum var. atlanticum (Ball) Maire

Common names
Name Language
Atlantic poppy English
Atlas poppy English
Moroccan poppy English
Spanish poppy English
Atlas-Mohn German
pavot de l'Atlas French
amapola del Atlas Spanish
donzige klaproos Dutch
Atlasvallmo Swedish
Atlasvallmo Swedish
мак атлантический Russian
Atlas-valmue Danish
mak atlantycki Polish
mák atlaský Czech
okrasný mak Slovak