EPPO Global Database

Origanum vulgare(ORIVU)

Code created in: 2004-04-17

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: ORIVU
  • Preferred name: Origanum vulgare
  • Authority: Linnaeus


Euromediterranean region (except southeast) to Black Sea, Caucasus, Russia, Siberia, Central Asia, Western Asia (Iraq to Pakistan), Himalayas, India, China (including Taiwan, Tibet). A wild plant which is not usually cultivated. The cultivated plant is O. majorana (q.v.) and the common names of the two are frequently confused. Introduced in Canada (British Columbia, Ontario, Québec), USA (California, northeastern states), Mexico, Venezuela

WSSA list of weeds in North America

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Origanum vulgare subsp. vulgare Linnaeus

Common names
mansuranë Albanian
rigon Albanian
çaj mali Albanian
organo Aragonese
orégano Aragonese
perigüel Aragonese
zenojo Aragonese
oreganoa Basque
обикновен риган Bulgarian
риган Bulgarian
fainó Catalan
herba de butifarra Catalan
majorana Catalan
moraduix Catalan
orega Catalan
orenga Catalan
té roig Catalan
niú zhì Chinese
牛至 Chinese
obični mravinac Croatian
dobromysl obecná Czech
merian Danish
wilde marjolein Dutch
bastard marjoram English
common marjoram English
pot marjoram English
wild marjoram English
harilik pune Estonian
mäkimeirami Finnish
marjolaine French
marjolaine bâtarde French
marjolaine d'Angleterre French
marjolaine sauvage French
marjolaine vivace French
origan French
origan commun French
origan vulgaire French
pelevoué French
pied de lit French
thym de berger French
thé rouge French
Dost German
echter Dost German
gemeiner Dost German
gewöhnlicher Dost German
Kostets German
Oregano German
wilder Dost German
wilder Majoran German
Wohlgemuthe German
αγριορίγανη Greek
szurokfű Hungarian
máirtín fiáin Irish
acciughero Italian
arigano Italian
cornabusa Italian
maggiorana selvatica Italian
origano Italian
origano comune Italian
regano Italian
rianu Italian
rigano Italian
hanahakka Japanese
oregano Japanese
オレガノ Japanese
ハナハッカ Japanese
parastā raudene Latvian
paprastasis raudonėlis Lithuanian
bergmynte Norwegian
basile Occitan
majorana Occitan
majourane Occitan
ménuqueto Occitan
te deras esponos Occitan
te saubadje Occitan
tè roùy Occitan
lebiodka pospolita Polish
manjerona Portuguese
manjerona-brava Portuguese
orégão Portuguese
șovîrv Romanian
душица обыкновенная Russian
обични мравинац Serbian
pamajorán obyčajný Slovak
navadna dobra misel Slovene
furiégano Spanish
hierba botifarrera Spanish
organo Spanish
orégano Spanish
orégano común Spanish
perigüel Spanish
té rojo Spanish
zenojo Spanish
kungsmynta Swedish
lundmejram Swedish
karakınık Turkish
материнка звичайна Ukrainian
penrhudd Welsh