EPPO Global Database

Tilletia indica(NEOVIN)

Distribution details in Syrian Arab Republic

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1996: Absent, invalid record
From CABI Disease map 173 (1996): Absent, invalid record
Said to be detected in India in imports from Syria. This must be a misidentification.
* Lambat, A. K.; Ram Nath; Mukewar, P. M.; Majumdar, A.; Indra Rani; Kaur, P.; Varshney, J. L.; Agarwal, P. C.; Khetarpal, R. K.; Usha Dev (1983) Phytopathologia Mediterranea 22 (3), 213-214.
------- Intercepted in New Delhi - very dubious.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Iraq Present, no details view...
Lebanon Absent, invalid record view...
Türkiye Absent, invalid record view...