EPPO Global Database

Tilletia indica(NEOVIN)

Distribution details in Iraq

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1992: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 173 (1996): Present, no details
* Joshi, L. M.; Singh, D. V.; Srivastava, K. D.; Wilcoxson, R. D. (1983) Botanical Review 49 (4), 309-330.

* USDA (1984) Pests not known to occur in the United States or of limited distribution. No. 58 Karnal bunt, Tilletia indica. USDA APHIS-PPQ, Beltsville, USA.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Iran, Islamic Republic of Present, restricted distribution view...
Syrian Arab Republic Absent, invalid record view...
Türkiye Absent, invalid record view...