Meloidogyne fallax(MELGFA)
Links to other EPPO databases
Important note about this page:
Below are external links to pest-specific information included in other EPPO databases. For the moment, links have been established with EPPO-Q-Bank (specimens and sequences for diagnosis), the EPPO PRA Platform (Pest Risk Analysis documents), the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.
Below are external links to pest-specific information included in other EPPO databases. For the moment, links have been established with EPPO-Q-Bank (specimens and sequences for diagnosis), the EPPO PRA Platform (Pest Risk Analysis documents), the EPPO Platform on Communication Material.
- non-EPPO documents
- Assessment of Quarantine Pest Dispersal from Norwegian Potato and Root Vegetable Packing Plants with Evaluation of Risk Reducing Options [Norway, 2018-09-24]
- Commodity risk assessment of Acer campestre plants from the UK [EU, 2023-05-25]
- Commodity risk assessment of Acer palmatum plants from the UK [EU, 2023-05-25]
- Commodity risk assessment of Acer platanoides plants from the UK [EU, 2023-05-25]
- Commodity risk assessment of Acer pseudoplatanus plants from the UK [EU, 2023-05-25]
- Commodity risk assessment of Acer spp. plants from New Zealand [EU, 2020-03-26]
- Commodity risk assessment of Betula pendula and Betula pubescens plants from the UK [EU, 2024-09-26]
- Commodity risk assessment of Cornus alba and Cornus sanguinea plants from the UK [EU, 2024-02-01]
- Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. fallax and M. hapla – resistance of plants relevant in Swedish cropping systems [Sweden, 2019-02-28]
- Plant pests in imported soil and growing media - risk to plant health [Norway, 2024-07-01]
- Summary of the Express Pest Risk Analysis for Meloidogyne fallax Karssen, 1996 [Poland, 2016-06-30]