EPPO Global Database

Loropetalum chinense(LORCH)


Organism Type
Phytophthora ramorum (PHYTRA) Host
* Blomquist CL, Rooney-Latham S, Soriano MC & McCarty JC (2012) First report of Phytophthora ramorum causing a leafspot on Loropetalum chinense, Chinese fringe flower in California. Plant Disease 96(12), 1829.

* Cave GL, Randall-Schadel B & Redlin SC (2008) Risk analysis for Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock & Man in’t Veld, causal agent of sudden oak death, ramorum leaf blight, and ramorum dieback. US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Raleigh, NC. USDA (2010) Phytophthora ramorum Werres, de Cock & Man in’t Veld. Pest Risk Assessment for Oregon.  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58740d57579fb3b4fa5ce66f/t/599dec4b2994ca3914cdde86/1503521868110/Pram_PRA_OR_11192010.pdf