EPPO Global Database

Hydrilla verticillata(HYLLI)

Distribution details in China (Xizhang)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2023: Present, no details
* Efremov A, Bolotova Y, Mesterhazy A, Toma C ( 2018) Features of Distribution of Hydrilla verticillata (L. fil.) Royle (Hydrocharitaceae) in North Eurasia Journal of Coastal Research, 34(3):675-686.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Afghanistan Present, no details view...
India Present, restricted distribution view...
India Punjab Present, no details view...
India Jammu & Kashmir Present, no details view...
Kazakhstan Present, no details view...
Korea Dem. People's Republic Present, restricted distribution view...
Myanmar Present, no details view...
Nepal Present, restricted distribution view...
Pakistan Present, restricted distribution view...
Russia European Russia Present, no details view...
Russia Present, no details view...
Russia Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Western Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Eastern Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Central Russia Present, no details view...
Vietnam Present, restricted distribution view...