EPPO Global Database

Globodera rostochiensis(HETDRO)

Distribution details in Latvia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2019: Present, restricted distribution
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, in specific parts of the Member State, where host crop(s) are grown, under eradication (2019-07).
From CABI Disease map 778 (1999): Present, widespread
EPPO Reporting Service (2002/075) : 2001 survey shows relatively limited distribution (16 out of 59 farms tested).

EPPO Reporting Service (2003/119) : 2002 survey shows it was found in 10 out of 85 seed-potato farms and in 7 out of 194 nurseries. Under eradication

EPPO Reporting Service (2004/136) : found in 6 out of 74 seed potato farms, 2 out of 105 ware potato farms and 4 out of 112 nurseries.

From NPPO (2019): during official annual survey, found in 1 ware potato field (9.82 ha) in Carnikava. Under eradication.
* Eglitis V (1973) Materialy vsesoyuznogo simpoziuma po bor'be s kartofel'noi nematodoi, Tartu, 3-5 iyulya 1973, pp. 26-28. Institut Zoologii i Botaniki Akademii Nauk Estonskoi SSR, Tartu, Estonia.
------- Found in 25 of 26 districts.

* NPPO of Latvia (2002-05, 2003-09, 2004-09, 2013-04, 2019-07).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belarus Present, restricted distribution view...
Estonia Present, restricted distribution view...
Lithuania Present, restricted distribution view...
Russia Present, restricted distribution view...
Russia Southern Russia Present, no details view...
Russia Far East Present, no details view...
Russia Northern Russia Present, no details view...
Russia Eastern Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Western Siberia Present, no details view...
Russia Central Russia Present, no details view...