EPPO Global Database

Gymnema sylvestre(GYWSY)


Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae (TSWV00) Host
* Selvarajan R, Renukadevi P, Balasubramanian V, Rao MV, Reddy MK, Malathi VG (2023) Association of tomato spotted wilt virus on Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. in India. Journal of Plant Pathology 105, 593–594.
Phenacoccus solenopsis (PHENSO) Host
* Shivakumara KT, Keerthi MC, Polaiah AC, Gupta A, Joshi S (2022) Incidence of invasive mealybugs, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on Gymnema sylvestre (R. Br) and its natural enemies in the semi-arid region of India. International Journal of Pest Management. 10:1-5