EPPO Global Database

Orthotospovirus arachiflavamaculae(GYSV00)


Important note on vectors:
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Scirtothrips dorsalis (SCITDO) Known vector
* Jones DR (2005) Plant viruses transmitted by thrips. European Journal of Plant Pathology 113(2), 119-157.

* Gopal K, Reddy MK, Reddy DVR, Muniyappa V (2010) Transmission of peanut yellow spot virus (PYSV) by thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood in groundnut. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 43, 421–429.