EPPO Global Database

Vitivirus alphavitis(GVA000)


Important note on vectors:
Information on vectors and their associated pathogens is a new feature of the database (April 2023). Data will gradually be entered by the EPPO Secretariat and will focus on regulated (quarantine) pests.
Organism Type
Heliococcus bohemicus (HELCBO) Known vector
* Vončina D, Jagunić M, De Stradis A, Diaz-Lara A, Al Rwahnih M, Šćepanović M, Almeida RP (2024) New host plant species of grapevine virus A identified with vector-mediated infections. Plant Disease 108(1), 125-130.
Neopulvinaria innumerabilis (PULVIN) Known vector
* Vončina D, Jagunić M, De Stradis A, Diaz-Lara A, Al Rwahnih M, Šćepanović M, Almeida RP (2024) New host plant species of grapevine virus A identified with vector-mediated infections. Plant Disease 108(1), 125-130.
Planococcus citri (PSECCI) Known vector
* Vončina D, Jagunić M, De Stradis A, Diaz-Lara A, Al Rwahnih M, Šćepanović M, Almeida RP (2024) New host plant species of grapevine virus A identified with vector-mediated infections. Plant Disease 108(1), 125-130.
Planococcus ficus (PLANFI) Known vector
* Vončina D, Jagunić M, De Stradis A, Diaz-Lara A, Al Rwahnih M, Šćepanović M, Almeida RP (2024) New host plant species of grapevine virus A identified with vector-mediated infections. Plant Disease 108(1), 125-130.
Pseudococcus viburni (PSECOB) Known vector
* Vončina D, Jagunić M, De Stradis A, Diaz-Lara A, Al Rwahnih M, Šćepanović M, Almeida RP (2024) New host plant species of grapevine virus A identified with vector-mediated infections. Plant Disease 108(1), 125-130.