EPPO Global Database

Glomerella cingulata(GLOMCI)

Code created in: 2002-04-10

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Glomerella cingulata
  • Authority: (Stoneman) Spaulding & von Schrenk


In the past, many species names have been linked to the name Glomerella cingulata, based on morphology only. They have not been confirmed by DNA sequence data and are unlikely to represent real synonyms. In the case of G. cingulata and all species mentioned under 'Other scientific names', there are no living strains available and nothing is known about their taxonomic position.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Colletotrichum agaves Cavara
Colletotrichum antirrhini Stewart
Colletotrichum azaleae Ellis & Everhart
Colletotrichum cajani Rangel
Colletotrichum caricae Stevens & Hall
Colletotrichum commelinae Ellis & Everhart
Colletotrichum crotalariae Petch
Colletotrichum cyclamenae Halsted
Colletotrichum dioscoreae Tehon
Colletotrichum elasticae Tassi
Colletotrichum eucalypti Bitancourt
Colletotrichum fructigenum Berkeley
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. melongenae
Colletotrichum hibisci Pollacci
Colletotrichum ipomoeae Sousa da Câmara
Colletotrichum melongenae Ellis & Halsted
Colletotrichum papayae Hennings
Colletotrichum passiflorae Stevens & Young
Colletotrichum phomoides (Saccardo) Chester
Colletotrichum piperatum Ellis & Everhart
Colletotrichum pisi Patouillard
Colletotrichum primulae Halsted
Colletotrichum vanillae Scalia
Gloeosporium alborubrum Petch
Gloeosporium amygdalinum Britzelmayr
Gloeosporium cactorum Stoneman
Gloeosporium callae Oudemans
Gloeosporium cingulatum Atkinson
Gloeosporium cyclaminis Sibilia
Gloeosporium dendrobii Maublanc
Gloeosporium elasticae Cooke & Massee
Gloeosporium eucalypti McAlpine
Gloeosporium foliicola Nishida
Gloeosporium hawaiense von Thümen
Gloeosporium manihotis Hennings
Gloeosporium melongenae Saccardo
Gloeosporium ochraceum Patterson
Gloeosporium oleae Patterson
Gloeosporium oleandri Saccardo
Gloeosporium opuntiae Ellis & Everhart
Gloeosporium passiflorae
Gloeosporium phomoides Saccardo
Gloeosporium piperatum Ellis & Everhart
Gloeosporium rubicola Ellis & Everhart
Gloeosporium syringae Allescher
Gloeosporium vanillae Cooke
Gloeosporium vexans Atkinson

Common names
Name Language
anthracnose: lime tree English
anthracnose of black plum English
anthracnose of citrus English
anthracnose of jamun English
anthracnose of mango English
anthracnose of olive English
anthracnose of onion English
anthracnose of pepper English
anthracnose of tomato English
anthracnose of yam English
bitter rot English
black spot English
brown blight English
dieback English
fruit decay: lime English
fruit rot English
leaf spot English
leaf spot of aubergine English
ripe rot of pepper English
scab of olive English
twig blight English
wither tip English
withertip: lime tree English
Anthraknose German
Bitterfäule German
Blattfleckenkrankheit German
Dürrfleckenkrankheit German
Fäule: Olive German
Fruchtfäule German
Spitzendürre German
Zweigspritzendürre: Limette German
anthracnose de l'airelle French
anthracnose de l'amandier French
anthracnose de la tomate French
anthracnose de l'aubergine French
anthracnose de l'hévéa French
anthracnose des agrumes French
anthracnose des pommes French
anthracnose du citronnier French
anthracnose du piment French
bitter rot ordinaire French
brûlure des rameaux de l'airelle French
gaffa des olives French
lèpre des olives French
pourriture amère de la vigne French
pourriture amère du cerisier French
pourriture amère du groseillier French
pourriture amère du pommier French
aceitunas jabonosas Spanish
antracnosis de la berenjena Spanish
antracnosis del agrios Spanish
antracnosis del aguacate Spanish
antracnosis del almendro Spanish
antracnosis de las manzanas Spanish
antracnosis del chile verde Spanish
antracnosis del limonero Spanish
antracnosis del mango Spanish
podredumbre amarga de las cerezas Spanish
žirnių deguliai Lithuanian