EPPO Global Database

Fusarium oedipigera(FUSAOE)

Code created in: 2019-09-18

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Fusarium oedipigera


Although Ustilaginoidella is now considered to be a synonym of Fusarium, please note that this particular species not been
formally reclassified under the genus Fusarium. For practical reasons, the EPPO Secretariat has placed it under Fusarium but Ustilaginoidella oedipigera remains its preferred name for the moment (2019-09).

In addition, the cause of elephantiasis of banana remains uncertain, it was attributed to U. oedipigera in the 1910s, but more recently 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris' has been detected in association with the disease in Colombia.

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Ustilaginoidella oedipigera Essed

Common names
Name Language
elephantiasis of banana English