EPPO Global Database

Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii(ERWIST)


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Typical symptoms on maize.

Courtesy: J.K. Pataky, University of Illinois, Urbana (US).

Typical symptoms on maize.

Courtesy: J.K. Pataky, University of Illinois, Urbana (US).

Leaf symptoms in maize showing long chlorotic streaks with irregular margins.

Courtesy: A.J. Ullstrup (US).

Typical symptoms on maize.

Courtesy: J.K. Pataky, University of Illinois, Urbana (US).

Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii strain on NBY medium

Courtesy: P. Müller, JKI (DE)

Pantoea stewartii strain on King’s B medium

Courtesy: P. Müller, JKI (DE)

Symptoms on maize leaves

Courtesy: Iris Bernardinelli - ERSA - Servizio fitosanitario - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

Symptoms on maize

Courtesy: Iris Bernardinelli - ERSA - Servizio fitosanitario - Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy