EPPO Global Database

Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii(ERWIST)

Distribution details in Russia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Present, few occurrences
From CABI Disease map 041 (2009): Absent, pest no longer present
From NPPO: Absent, pest no longer present
Declared "no longer present" in 1988.

EPPO Reporting Service (2021/002) : present in 1 federal subject (234 ha).
* NPPO of Russia (1988).

* Anonymous (2020) Справочник по карантинному фитосанитарному состоянию территорий государств - участников СНГ на 01.01.2020 г. [Handbook of quarantine phytosanitary conditions in the territories of the CIS Member States as of 2020-01-01]. All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center. 92pp.

* Russian ministry of Agriculture (2020) НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ДОКЛАД о карантинном фитосанитарном состоянии территории Российской Федерации в 2019 год [National report on the quarantine status on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2019], 28 pp (in Russian) https://fsvps.gov.ru/fsvps-docs/ru/usefulinf/files/nd2020.pdf
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
China Henan Absent, pest no longer present view...
China Guangdong Present, no details view...
China Present, restricted distribution view...
China Hainan Present, no details view...
Poland Absent, pest no longer present view...
Ukraine Absent, pest no longer present view...