EPPO Global Database

Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato(ERWICA)

Code created in: 2002-07-10

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato
  • Authority: (Jones) Waldee

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Bacterium carotovorum (Jones) Lehmann & Neumann
Erwinia aroideae (Townsend) Holland
Erwinia betivora (Takimoto) Magrou
Erwinia carotovora (Jones) Bergey
Erwinia carotovora subsp. aroideae
Erwinia dahliae (Hori & Bokura) Magrou
Erwinia melonis (Giddings) Bergey
Pectobacterium aroideae
Pectobacterium phytophthorum (Appel) Burgwitz

Common names
Name Language
bacterial soft rot of potato English
bacterial soft rot of vegetables English
black leg of potato English
hollow stalk rot of tobacco English
slimy soft rot of lettuce English
storage rot of potato English
Bakteriennaßfäule: Gemüse German
Naßfäule: Kartoffel German
Schwarzbeinigkeit: Kartoffel German
jambe noire de la pomme de terre French
jambe noire du tabac French
maladie bactérienne de la chicorée French
pourriture lenticellaire de la pomme de terre French
pourriture molle bactérienne de la pomme de terre French
pourriture molle des légumes French
tige creuse du tabac French
pie negro de la patata Spanish
podredumbre blanda bacteriana Spanish
podredumbre blanda del tubérculo Spanish
pudrición blanda de la cebolla Spanish
canela-preta Portuguese
podridão-mole Portuguese
бактериальная мягкая гниль картофеля Russian
мягкая гниль картофеля Russian
чёрная ножка картофеля Russian
bakterinis šlapiasis puvinys Lithuanian