Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato(ERWICA)
Code created in: 2002-07-10
Basic information
- EPPO Code:
- Preferred name:
Pectobacterium carotovorum sensu lato
- Authority:
(Jones) Waldee
Other scientific names
Name |
Authority |
Bacterium carotovorum |
(Jones) Lehmann & Neumann |
Erwinia aroideae |
(Townsend) Holland |
Erwinia betivora |
(Takimoto) Magrou |
Erwinia carotovora |
(Jones) Bergey |
Erwinia carotovora subsp. aroideae |
Erwinia dahliae |
(Hori & Bokura) Magrou |
Erwinia melonis |
(Giddings) Bergey |
Pectobacterium aroideae |
Pectobacterium phytophthorum |
(Appel) Burgwitz |
Common names
Name |
Language |
bacterial soft rot of potato |
English |
bacterial soft rot of vegetables |
English |
black leg of potato |
English |
hollow stalk rot of tobacco |
English |
slimy soft rot of lettuce |
English |
storage rot of potato |
English |
Bakteriennaßfäule: Gemüse |
German |
Naßfäule: Kartoffel |
German |
Schwarzbeinigkeit: Kartoffel |
German |
jambe noire de la pomme de terre |
French |
jambe noire du tabac |
French |
maladie bactérienne de la chicorée |
French |
pourriture lenticellaire de la pomme de terre |
French |
pourriture molle bactérienne de la pomme de terre |
French |
pourriture molle des légumes |
French |
tige creuse du tabac |
French |
pie negro de la patata |
Spanish |
podredumbre blanda bacteriana |
Spanish |
podredumbre blanda del tubérculo |
Spanish |
pudrición blanda de la cebolla |
Spanish |
canela-preta |
Portuguese |
podridão-mole |
Portuguese |
бактериальная мягкая гниль картофеля |
Russian |
мягкая гниль картофеля |
Russian |
чёрная ножка картофеля |
Russian |
bakterinis šlapiasis puvinys |
Lithuanian |