EPPO Global Database

Ecballium elaterium(ECAEL)


Organism Type
Cheravirus arracaciae oca strain (as Cucurbitaceae) (AVBO00) Experimental
Agrotis segetum (as Cucurbitaceae) (AGROSE) Host
Aleurodicus dugesii (as Cucurbitaceae) (ALEDDU) Host
Alfamovirus AMV (as Cucurbitaceae) (AMV000) Host
Anastrepha grandis (as Cucurbitaceae) (ANSTGR) Host
* Bolzan A, Nava DE, Garcia FR, Valgas RA, Smaniotto G (2015) Biology of Anastrepha grandis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in different cucurbits. Journal of Economic Entomology 108(3), 1034-1039
Aonidiella citrina (as Cucurbitaceae) (AONDCI) Host
Apomecyna binubila (as Cucurbitaceae) (APOMBI) Host
Aulacophora hilaris (as Cucurbitaceae) (AUACHI) Host
Baris granulipennis (as Cucurbitaceae) (BARIGR) Host
Bemisia tabaci (as Cucurbitaceae) (BEMITA) Host
Circulifer tenellus (as Cucurbitaceae) (CIRCTE) Host
Comovirus cucurbitae (as Cucurbitaceae) (SQMV00) Host
Crinivirus cucurbitae (as Cucurbitaceae) (CYSDV0) Host
Dacus bivittatus (as Cucurbitaceae) (DACUBI) Host
* Hassani IM, Delatte H, Ravaomanarivo LH, Nouhou S, Duyck PF (2022) Niche partitioning via host plants and altitude among fruit flies following the invasion of Bactrocera dorsalis. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1111/afe.12522
Delia platura (as Cucurbitaceae) (HYLEPL) Host
Diaphania indica (as Cucurbitaceae) (DPHNIN) Host
Diaphania nitidalis (as Cucurbitaceae) (DPHNNI) Host
* Dupree M, Bissell TL, Beckham CM (1955) The pickleworm and its control. Ga. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull 5, 4–31. 
Diaporthe sclerotioides (as Cucurbitaceae) (PHOPSC) Host
Epilachna elaterii (as Cucurbitaceae) (EPILCH) Host
Frankliniella occidentalis (as Cucurbitaceae) (FRANOC) Host
Leptoglossus australis (as Cucurbitaceae) (LEPLAU) Host
Myiopardalis pardalina (as Cucurbitaceae) (CARYPA) Host
Pratylenchus coffeae (as Cucurbitaceae) (PRATCO) Host
Rotylenchulus reniformis (as Cucurbitaceae) (ROTYRE) Host
Serratia marcescens (as Cucurbitaceae) (SERRMA) Major host
Begomovirus cucurbitapeponis (SLCV00) Wild/Weed
* Antignus Y, Lachman O, Pearlsman M, Omer S, Yunis H, Messika Y,  Uko O, Koren A (2003) Squash leaf curl geminivirus - a new illegal immigrant from the Western Hemisphere and a threat to cucurbit crops in Israel. Abstracts of presentations made at the 24th Congress of the Israeli Phytopathological Society. Phytoparasitica 31(4), p 415.
Begomovirus solanumdelhiense (TOLCND) Wild/Weed
* Rabadan MP, Aranda MA, Gomez P, Juarez M, Tayahi M (2019) El virus de rizado del tomate de Nueva Delhi (ToLCNDV) en cultivos y malas hierbas. Phytoma-Espana no.  306, 18-25.
Crinivirus cucurbitae (CYSDV0) Wild/Weed
* Orfanidou CG, Papayiannis LC, Pappi PG, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2019) Criniviruses associated with cucurbit yellows disease in Greece and Cyprus: an ever-changing scene. Plant Pathology 68(4), 764-774.
Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV00) Wild/Weed
* Chang HY, Chen LC, Lin CC, Tsai WS (2021) First report of cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting melon, watermelon and wild melon in the Philippines. Journal of Plant Pathology 103, 681–682.
------- as Cucumis agrestis.

* Orfanidou C, Baltzi A, Dimou NA, Katis NI, Maliogka VI (2017) Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus: insights into its natural host range, genetic variability, and transmission parameters. Plant Disease 101(12), 2023-2058.
Ipomovirus cucumisvenaflavi (CVYV00) Wild/Weed
* Janssen D, Ruiz L, Velasco L, Segundo E,  Cuadrado I M (2002) Non-cucurbitaceous weed species shown to be natural hosts of Cucumber vein yellowing virus in south-eastern Spain. Plant Pathology 51(6), 797.
Myiopardalis pardalina (CARYPA) Wild/Weed
Zeugodacus cucumis (as Cucurbitaceae) (DACUCM) Wild/Weed