EPPO Global Database

Dryocosmus kuriphilus(DRYCKU)

Distribution details in Croatia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2016: Present, widespread
First recorded in: 2010
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, first found in 2010 in 12 localities, under official control (2011-11)
From CABI Pest map 677 (2023): Present, widespread
EPPO Reporting Service (2011/193) : first reported in 2010 near Lovran, and then near Marija Bistrica, Ozalj, Samobor and Zagreb. Observations suggested that the pest has been present in Croatia since 2007 or 2008.

EPPO Reporting Service (2011/240) : further details about the situation of D. kuriphilus in Croatia.
* Matošević D, Pernek M, Hrašovec B (2010) [First record of Oriental chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus kuriphilus) in Croatia]. Šumarksi List 9/10, 497-502 (in Croatian). http://sumlist.sumari.hr/pdf/201004970.pdf

* Matosevic D, Lackovic N, Melika G, Kos K, Franic I, Kriston E, Bozso M, Seljak G & Rot M (2016) Biological control of invasive Dryocosmus kuriphilus with introduced parasitoid Torymus sinensis in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary. Periodicum Biologorium 117, 471-477.

* NPPO of Croatia (2011-11).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Bosnia and Herzegovina Present, restricted distribution view...
Hungary Present, widespread view...
Slovenia Present, widespread view...