EPPO Global Database

Dryocosmus kuriphilus(DRYCKU)

Distribution details in China (Gansu)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2007: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 677 (2023): Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (2010/041) : presence reported without any further details.
* He YY, Zhu DH, Zhao LQ (2007) [Testing Wolbachia infection of Dryocosmus kuriphilus with ftsZ gene and 16Sr DNA special primer]. Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University 30(2), 113-115 (abst.).
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Nepal Present, no details view...
Russia Present, restricted distribution view...
Russia Southern Russia Present, restricted distribution view...