EPPO Global Database

Dothistroma pini(DOTSPI)

Distribution details in France

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2014: Present, no details
Detected on Pinus nigra from southern France (Arriège, Corrèze, Pyrénées-Atlantiques).

EPPO Reporting Service (2013/040) : surveys conducted in 2007-2010 showed that D. pini is widespread in Southern France. Studies of herbarium specimens revealed that it had already been collected in 1907 at Tourbière du Beillard (Vosges), and in 1965 at the Arboretum des Barres (Loiret), thus suggesting that D. pini is not of recent introduction.

EPPO Reporting Service (2014/216) : detected on Pinus radiata in Pyrénées-Atlantiques department.
* Fabre B, Ioos R, Piou D, Marçais B (2012) Is the emergence of Dothistroma needle blight of pine in France caused by the cryptic species Dothistroma pini? Phytopathology 102(1), 47-54.

* Ioos R, Fabre B, Saurat C, Fournier C, Frey P, Marçais B (2010) Development, comparison, and validation of real-time and conventional PCR tools for the detection of the fungal pathogens causing brown spot and red band needle blights of pine. Phytopathology 100(1), 105-114.

* Piou D, Ioos R (2014) First report of Dothistroma pini, a recent agent of the Dothistroma needle blight, on Pinus radiata in France. Plant Disease 98(6), 841-842.
------- On Pinus radiata in Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Belgium Present, few occurrences view...
Germany Present, restricted distribution view...
Spain Present, few occurrences view...
Switzerland Present, no details view...