EPPO Global Database

Carex tomentosa(CRXTO)

Code created in: 2002-02-21

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: CRXTO
  • Preferred name: Carex tomentosa
  • Authority: Linnaeus


Europe (except north), Mediterranean (except south), Black Sea, Siberia, Central Asia (Kazakhstan), Western Asia (Iran)

The name Carex filiformis has in the past been made a synonym of this species, but C. filiformis L. is now a synonym of C. montana

Common names
Name Language
downy-fruited sedge English (GB)
filzfrüchtige Segge German
filzige Segge German
Filzsegge German
carex tomenteux French
laiche à fruits poilus French
laîche à fruits tomenteux French
laîche à utricules tomenteux French
laîche tomenteuse French
carice canuta Italian
viltige zegge Dutch
viltzegge Dutch
luddstarr Swedish
осока войлочная Russian
turzyca filcowata Polish
molyhos sás Hungarian
наплъстена острица Bulgarian
càrex tomentós Catalan
pustenasti šaš Croatian
ostřice plstnatá Czech
villtarn Estonian
gauruotoji viksva Lithuanian
ostrica plstnatá Slovak
polstenoplodni šaš Slovene
осока повстиста Ukrainian