Colletotrichum acutatum sensu lato(COLLAC)
Distribution details in New Zealand
From CABI Disease map 705 (1996): Present, no details
* Dingley JM, Gilmour JW (1972) New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 2 (2), 192-201.
------- As f.sp. pinea on Pinus and Lupinus.
* Dyko BJ, Mordue JEM (1979) CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria No. 630, 2 pp. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
* Herb. IMI, 1989.
------- On strawberry.
------- As f.sp. pinea on Pinus and Lupinus.
* Dyko BJ, Mordue JEM (1979) CMI Descriptions of Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria No. 630, 2 pp. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
* Herb. IMI, 1989.
------- On strawberry.