EPPO Global Database

Canarium indicum(CNBCO)


Organism Type
Bactrocera dorsalis (DACUDO) Host
* Leblanc L (2022) The dacine fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) of Oceania. Insecta Mundi 0948, 1-167. https://journals.flvc.org/mundi/article/view/131965/135549
Bactrocera tryoni (DACUTR) Host
* Leblanc L, Vueti ET, Drew AI, Allwood AJ (2012) Host plant records for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacini) in the Pacific islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Society 44, 11-53.
Selenothrips rubrocinctus (as Canarium) (SLENRU) Host
* Mound LA, Walker AK (1987) Thysanoptera as tropical tramps: new records from New Zealand and the Pacific. New Zealand Entomologist 9(1), 70-85.