EPPO Global Database

Cucumovirus CMV(CMV000)

Distribution details in Korea, Republic of

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2023: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 866 (2002): Present, no details
* Choi SK, Cho LS, Choi GS, Yoon JY (2014) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus in Catharanthus roseus in Korea. Plant Disease 98(9), 1283-1284.

* Choi HongSoo; Ryu JaeKi; Ahn KyungKu; Cho JeomDeog; Kim JeongSoo (2001) Plant Pathology Journal 17 (3), 169-173.

* Choi JangKyung; Kim HyeJa; Hong JinSung; Kim DooWook; Lee SangYong (1998) Korean Journal of Plant Pathology 14 (1), 7-12.

* Hahm YoungIl; Min Kwon; Kim JeomSoon; Seo HyoWon; Ahn JaeHoon (1998) Korean Journal of Plant Pathology 14 (6), 668-675.

* Min GG, Park TS, Park JS, Min DJ, Hong JS (2023) First report of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from Codonopsis lanceolata in Korea. Journal of Plant Pathology 106(1), 283-284.

* Park CY, Lee MA, Park EH, Baek DS, Lee SH, Kim JS (2015) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) in South Korea. Plant Disease 99(5), p 733.

* Yoon JY, Choi GS, Cho IS, Choi KS (2014) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus in Saintpaulia ionantha in Korea. Plant Disease 98(4), 573-574.

* Yoon JY, Choi GS, Carr JP, Choi SK (2017) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Pimpinella brachycarpa in Korea. Plant Disease 101(5), p 844.

* Yoon JY, Choi GS, Choi SK (2017) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus in Farfugium japonicum in Korea. Plant Disease 101(1), p 264.