EPPO Global Database

Cucumovirus CMV(CMV000)

Code created in: 2001-03-11

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: CMV000
  • Preferred name: Cucumovirus CMV


One of the 'top ten' viruses in molecular plant pathology

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus
Cucumber mosaic virus
Cucumber virus 1

Common names
Name Language
cucumber mosaic English
pepper rosette disease English
southern celery mosaic English
spinach blight English
tomato fern leaf English
wart disease of cucumber English
Farnblättrigkeit: Tomate German
Gelbfleckigkeit des Spinats German
Gurkenmosaikvirus German
Gurkenmosaikvirus: Sellerie German
Kräuselscheckung des Feldsalates German
Reisigkrankheit des Paprika German
mosaïque à tirets French
mosaïque du concombre French
mosaico de las cucurbitáceas Spanish