EPPO Global Database

Cucumovirus CMV(CMV000)

Distribution details in Iran, Islamic Republic of

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2017: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 866 (2002): Present, widespread
* Ahoonmanesh, A.; Alavi, V.; Mosahebi Mohammadi, G. H. (1997) Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 33 (3/4), 38-41 (En); 111-125 (Pe).

* Arzani, A.; Ahoonmanesh, A. (2000) Iran Agricultural Research 19 (2), 129-144.

* Hajiabadi AM, Asaei F, Abdollahi Mandoulakani B, Rastgou M (2012) Natural incidence of tomato viruses in the North of Iran. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 51(2), 390-396.
------- On tomatoes in Qazvin province.

* Mirhosseini HA, Nasrollah-Nejad S, Babaeizad V, Rahimian H (2017) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Ricinus communis in Iran. Plant Disease 101(11), p 2154.
------- On castor bean near Yazd.

* Safaeizadeh M, Saidi A (2012) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus on Ibicella lutea in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology 94(suppl.), S4.95.
------- On Ibicella lutea in the Varamin and Tehran provinces.

* Shahmohammadi N, Dizadji A, Koohi Habibi M, Nateqi M (2015) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Bougainvillea spectabilis, Coleus blumei, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and Zinnia elegans in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology 97(2), p 394.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Afghanistan Present, no details view...
Azerbaijan Present, no details view...
Iraq Present, no details view...
Pakistan Present, no details view...
Türkiye Present, no details view...