Cucumovirus CMV(CMV000)
Distribution details in Iran, Islamic Republic of
From CABI Disease map 866 (2002): Present, widespread
* Ahoonmanesh, A.; Alavi, V.; Mosahebi Mohammadi, G. H. (1997) Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology 33 (3/4), 38-41 (En); 111-125 (Pe).
* Arzani, A.; Ahoonmanesh, A. (2000) Iran Agricultural Research 19 (2), 129-144.
* Hajiabadi AM, Asaei F, Abdollahi Mandoulakani B, Rastgou M (2012) Natural incidence of tomato viruses in the North of Iran. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 51(2), 390-396.
------- On tomatoes in Qazvin province.
* Mirhosseini HA, Nasrollah-Nejad S, Babaeizad V, Rahimian H (2017) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Ricinus communis in Iran. Plant Disease 101(11), p 2154.
------- On castor bean near Yazd.
* Safaeizadeh M, Saidi A (2012) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus on Ibicella lutea in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology 94(suppl.), S4.95.
------- On Ibicella lutea in the Varamin and Tehran provinces.
* Shahmohammadi N, Dizadji A, Koohi Habibi M, Nateqi M (2015) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Bougainvillea spectabilis, Coleus blumei, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and Zinnia elegans in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology 97(2), p 394.
* Arzani, A.; Ahoonmanesh, A. (2000) Iran Agricultural Research 19 (2), 129-144.
* Hajiabadi AM, Asaei F, Abdollahi Mandoulakani B, Rastgou M (2012) Natural incidence of tomato viruses in the North of Iran. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 51(2), 390-396.
------- On tomatoes in Qazvin province.
* Mirhosseini HA, Nasrollah-Nejad S, Babaeizad V, Rahimian H (2017) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Ricinus communis in Iran. Plant Disease 101(11), p 2154.
------- On castor bean near Yazd.
* Safaeizadeh M, Saidi A (2012) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus on Ibicella lutea in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology 94(suppl.), S4.95.
------- On Ibicella lutea in the Varamin and Tehran provinces.
* Shahmohammadi N, Dizadji A, Koohi Habibi M, Nateqi M (2015) First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting Bougainvillea spectabilis, Coleus blumei, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and Zinnia elegans in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology 97(2), p 394.
Country | State | Status | |
Afghanistan | Present, no details | ||
Azerbaijan | Present, no details | ||
Iraq | Present, no details | ||
Pakistan | Present, no details | ||
Türkiye | Present, no details |