Ceratitis capitata(CERTCA)
Distribution details in Nicaragua
First recorded in: 1960
From CABI Pest map 001 (2016): Present, no details
* Arevalo CM (1976) Cooperative Plant Pest Report 1 (12), 117-118.
------- First recorded in 1960.
* Borge MNR, Basedow T (1997) Bulletin of Entomological Research 87(4), 405-412.
* Daxl R (1978) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 26(4), 150-157.
------- Carazo and Masaya Departments.
* Daxl R (1978) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 26(4), 150-157.
* Enkerlin WA et al. (2017) The Moscamed Regional Programme: review of a success story of area-wide sterile insect technique application. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata Special Issue – Sterile Insect Technique, 1-16.
* Juárez YJ, Morán Centeno JC, Ochoa GV (2021) Valoración de atrayentes en la captura de moscas de la fruta en el cultivo de Guayaba taiwanesa (Psidium guajava L.), León, Nicaragua, 2018. La Calera 21(37). https://lacalera.una.edu.ni/index.php/CALERA/article/view/475/778
------- Studies on traps and attractants efficiency conducted in the municipality of El Jicaral (León). Low prevalence of Ceratitis capitata.
* Saldaña Reyes JD, Morán Centeno JC, Varela Ochoa G (2019) Fluctuación poblacional de moscas de las frutas (Díptera: Tephritidae) en Nicaragua, basado en el sistema de vigilancia fitosanitaria, 2017. La Calera 19(33), 66-71. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v19i33.8842
------- National survey (2017): dominant species found were Anastrepha obliqua, A. serpentina and Ceratitis capitata.
* Sponagel K, Vasquez L, Diaz F (2001) Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture 43, 87-89.
------- First recorded in 1960.
* Borge MNR, Basedow T (1997) Bulletin of Entomological Research 87(4), 405-412.
* Daxl R (1978) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 26(4), 150-157.
------- Carazo and Masaya Departments.
* Daxl R (1978) FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 26(4), 150-157.
* Enkerlin WA et al. (2017) The Moscamed Regional Programme: review of a success story of area-wide sterile insect technique application. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata Special Issue – Sterile Insect Technique, 1-16.
* Juárez YJ, Morán Centeno JC, Ochoa GV (2021) Valoración de atrayentes en la captura de moscas de la fruta en el cultivo de Guayaba taiwanesa (Psidium guajava L.), León, Nicaragua, 2018. La Calera 21(37). https://lacalera.una.edu.ni/index.php/CALERA/article/view/475/778
------- Studies on traps and attractants efficiency conducted in the municipality of El Jicaral (León). Low prevalence of Ceratitis capitata.
* Saldaña Reyes JD, Morán Centeno JC, Varela Ochoa G (2019) Fluctuación poblacional de moscas de las frutas (Díptera: Tephritidae) en Nicaragua, basado en el sistema de vigilancia fitosanitaria, 2017. La Calera 19(33), 66-71. https://doi.org/10.5377/calera.v19i33.8842
------- National survey (2017): dominant species found were Anastrepha obliqua, A. serpentina and Ceratitis capitata.
* Sponagel K, Vasquez L, Diaz F (2001) Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture 43, 87-89.
Country | State | Status | |
Costa Rica | Present, widespread | ||
Honduras | Present, restricted distribution |