EPPO Global Database

Cestrum parqui(CEMPA)


Organism Type
Cheravirus arracaciae oca strain (as Solanaceae) (AVBO00) Experimental
Aculops lycopersici (as Solanaceae) (VASALY) Host
Bemisia tabaci (as Solanaceae) (BEMITA) Host
Epilachna vigintioctomaculata (as Solanaceae) (EPILVI) Host
Orthotospovirus tomatomaculae (TSWV00) Host
* Parrella G, Gognalons P, Gebre-Selassie K, Vovlas C, Marchoux G (2003) An update of the host range of tomato spotted wilt virus. Journal of Plant Pathology 85(4), 227-264.
Tetranychus evansi (TETREV) Host
* Furtado IP (2006) Sélection d'ennemis naturels pour la lutte biologique contre Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae), en Afrique. Montpellier, University Montpellier II: 142.

* Furtado IP, Toledo S, Moraes GJd, Kreiter S and Knapp M (2007) Search for effective natural enemies of Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) in northwest Argentina. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 43: 121-127.

* Guanilo AD, de Moraes G, Toledo S, Knapp M (2010) New records of Tetranychus evansi and associated natural enemies in northern Argentina. Systematic & Applied Acarology 15, 3-20.
Alphanucleorhabdovirus tuberosum (as Solanaceae) (PYDV00) Wild/Weed
Colletotrichum fructicola (COLLFC) Wild/Weed
* EFSA PLH Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Health), Bragard C, Dehnen-Schmutz K, Di Serio F, Gonthier P, Jacques M-A, Jaques Miret JA, Justesen AF, MacLeod A, Magnusson CS, Milonas P, Navas-Cortes JA, Parnell S, Potting R, Thulke H-H, Van der Werf W, Civera AV, Yuen J, Zappala L,  Migheli Q, Vloutoglou I, Campese C, Maiorano A, Streissl F, Reignault PL (2021) Scientific Opinion on the pest categorisation of Colletotrichum fructicola. EFSA Journal 19(8), 6803, 41 pp