EPPO Global Database

Diplodia seriata(BOTSOB)

Code created in: 2002-04-10

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Diplodia seriata
  • Authority: de Notaris

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Amerodothis ilicis (Cooke) Theissen & Sydow
Botryosphaeria ambigua (Schweinitz) Saccardo
Botryosphaeria obtusa (Schweinitz) Shoemaker
Diplodia pseudodiplodia Fuckel
Melogramma ambiguum (Schweinitz) Berkeley
Physalospora cupressi (Berkeley & Curtis) Saccardo
Physalospora cydoniae G.Arnaud
Physalospora malorum Shear, N. Stevens & Wilcox
Physalospora obtusa (Schweinitz) Cooke
Physalospora thyoidea (Cooke & Ellis) Saccardo
Sphaeria obtusa Schweinitz
Wallrothiella eunotiaespora (Cooke & Harkness) Berlese & Voglino

Common names
Name Language
bark necrosis of pome fruits English
black canker of apple English
black rot of apple English
canker of apple English
dieback of grapevine English
frogeye leaf spot of apple English
Froschaugenkrankheit: Apfel German
Rindenbrand: Obstgehölze German
schwarzer Krebs: Obstgehölze German
Schwarzfäule: Apfel German
black rot du cognassier French
black rot du fraisier French
black rot du pommier French
chancre du pommier French
faux black rot du poirier French
faux black rot du pommier French
pourriture noire du pommier French
pourriture noire du prunier French
black-rot del fresal Spanish
black-rot del manzano Spanish
black-rot del membrillo Spanish
chancro del manzano Spanish
falso black-rot del manzano Spanish
falso black-rot del peral Spanish
podredumbre negra del ciruelo Spanish
podredumbre negra del manzano Spanish