EPPO Global Database

Botryosphaeria dothidea(BOTSDO)

Code created in: 2002-02-15

Basic information
  • Preferred name: Botryosphaeria dothidea
  • Authority: (Mougeot) Cesati & de Notaris

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Botryosphaeria berengeriana de Notaris
Camarosporium dalmaticum Zachos & Tzavella-Klonari
Camarosporium flaccidum (Viala & Ravaz) Zachos & Tzavella-Klonar
Dothiorella reniformis (Viala & Ravaz) Petrák & Sydow
Fusicoccum aesculi Corda
Macrophoma flaccida (Viala & Ravaz) Cavara
Macrophoma reniformis (Viala & Ravaz) Cavara
Phoma dalmatica (von Thümen) Saccardo
Phoma flaccida Viala & Ravaz
Phoma reniformis Viala & Ravaz

Common names
bark gummosis of peach English
bot rot of apple English
cane canker of blackberry English
canker of almond English
drupe rot of olive English
gummosis of blueberry English
white rot of apple English
chancre de l'amandier French
chancre des tiges du rosier French
gommose de la myrtille French
gommose du pêcher French
chancro del almendro Spanish
gomosis del melocotonero Spanish
gomosis del mirto Spanish