EPPO Global Database

Billardiera heterophylla(BILHE)

Code created in: 2012-10-09

Basic information
  • EPPO Code: BILHE
  • Preferred name: Billardiera heterophylla
  • Authority: (Lindley) Cayzer & Crisp


Australia. Cultivated as an ornamental. Some sources regard B. heterophylla and B. fusiformis as distinct species, at least in the wild, but the names are used interchangeably for the horticultural plant

Other scientific names
Name Authority
Billardiera fusiformis Labillardière
Sollya fusiformis (Labillardière) Briquet
Sollya heterophylla Lindley
Sollya parviflora Turchaninov

Common names
Name Language
Australia blue bell creeper English
blue bell creeper English
sollya à feuilles différentes French