* Rooney-Latham S, Blomquist CL, Soriano MC, Uhler M (2020) First report of Phytophthora ramorum causing foliar and stem blight of two California native Arctostaphylos species, A. viridissima and A. glauca. Plant Disease 104(10), p 2741. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-07-19-1359-PDN
------- Confirmed host.
* Garbelotto M, Popenuck T, Hall B, Schweigkofler W, Dovana F, Goldstein de Salazar R, Schmidt D, Sims LL (2020) Citizen science uncovers Phytophthora ramorum as a threat to several rare or endangered California Manzanita species. Plant Disease 104(12), 3173-3182.
------- Arctostaphylos hooveri, A. montereyensis, A. morroensis, A.pilosula.