EPPO Global Database

Araucaria araucana(ARUAR)


Organism Type
Diplodia africana (DIPDAF) Host
* Zapata M, Schafer M (2019) Diplodia africana causing twig death on Araucaria araucana, a new host and first record for Chile. New Disease Reports 40, 2. http://dx.doi.org/10.5197/j.2044-0588.2019.040.002
Phytophthora cinnamomi (PHYTCN) Host
* Sanfuentes E, González M, Castillo M, Rubilar R, Besoain X, Sanhueza C, Smith M (2022) Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi on declining Araucaria araucana forests. Forest Pathology e12765. https://doi.org/10.1111/efp.12765
------- Causing crown dieback and tree mortality in different localities of the Nahuelbuta Coastal Range, Chile.