EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 10 - 2004 Num. article: 2004/153

First report of Acizzia jamatonica in France: addition to the EPPO Alert List

The presence of a new pest of Albizzia julibrissin, originating from Asia, was recently reported by the French NPPO. Acizzia jamatonica (Homoptera: Psyllidae) was identified by the National Laboratory of Entomology on a plant sample collected from Avignon (Vaucluse). The origin of this infestation remains unknown and surveys are being done to determine the extent of the outbreak. As A. jamatonica has also been reported from northern Italy in 2001 (see EPPO RS 2002/058) and Switzerland, the EPPO Secretariat decided to add it to the EPPO Alert List.

Acizzia jamatonica (Homoptera: Psyllidae) – a new pest of Albizzia
Why: The presence of Acizzia jamatonica, a psyllid pest of Albizzia (Fabaceae) originating from Asia, has recently been reported from several European countries. As this new species is now spreading in Europe, the EPPO Secretariat decided to add it to the EPPO Alert List.

Asia: China, Japan, Korea Democratic People’s Republic, Korea Republic. Apparently, in Korea, A. jamatonica is commonly found but not reported as causing damage to Albizzia.
EPPO region: France (Vaucluse), Italy (Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardia, Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, Veneto), Switzerland (Ticino).

On which plants: Monophagous species feeding on Albizzia species. In Europe, it damages A. julibrissin.

Damage: Leaves, flowers, pods and young shoots can be completely colonised by juvenile and adult stages, leading to total or partial desiccation. In heavy infestations, early defoliation can be observed. Large amounts of honeydew are produced which can be a nuisance in urban environments. The life cycle of A. jamatonica includes numerous overlapping generations. Yellow to orange eggs (approximately 0.3 mm long) are laid preferably along leaflet margins. 5 juvenile stages are then observed, all have red composite eyes and produce waxy secretions. Adult males and females are 1.8-2 mm and 2-2.3 mm long, respectively. Their colour varies throughout the season (yellowish-green during summer to pinkish-brown in winter) and they also have red composite eyes. The psyllid overwinter as the adult stage.

Dissemination: Natural spread of the pest is probably limited, but no data is available on this. Over long distances, trade of Albizzia plants can ensure pest dissemination. A. jamatonica was intercepted once by United Kingdom in 2003 on A. julibrissin in containers originating from Italy (see EPPO RS 2003/175), thus demonstrating that this pathway exists.

Pathway: Plants for planting of Albizzia from countries where A. jamatonica occurs.

Possible risks: In Southern Europe, Albizzia julibrissin is widely planted as an ornamental shade tree in private and public gardens, as well as along roads or in car parks, as it is a robust species with rapid growth. Control of this pest is likely to be difficult in practice. Insecticides can be used but several applications are necessary to control the overlapping generations. In addition, treatments are difficult to perform on amenity trees in urban environment where only a limited number of active substances are authorized. Several species of natural enemies (Coccinellid and Anthocorid predators) have been identified, and studies are being done on their possible release. In Europe, although no tree death has so far been reported, serious damage (leaf yellowing, defoliation) is observed on Albizzia. A. jamatonica could present a risk to amenity trees in urban environments and to nurseries.

Panel review date        -        Entry date 2004-10


Alma, A.; Tedeschi, R.; Rossi, J.; (2002) [Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama) a new psyllid for Europe (Homoptera Psyllidae).] Informatore Fitopatologico, no. 4, 64-65.
Anonymous (2003) Bolletino fitosanisario no. 15, 2 pp. Servizio fitosanitario cantonale, Bellinzona (CH). http://www.ti.ch/DFE/DE/SezA/temi_02/pubblicazioni/fito/2003/bof1503.pdf
Zandigiacomo, P.; Bernardinelli, I.; Stergulc, F. (2002) Psilla dell’albizzia: prima segnalazione per l’Italia nord-orientale. Notiziario Ersa, no. 4, 18-20. Available from Internet: http://agm.csa.fvg.it/not_ersa/2002n4/896.pdf
NPPO of France, 2004-10.