Trioza erytreae(TRIZER)
Distribution details in Sao Tome & Principe
From CABI Pest map 234 (2016): Present, no details
* Benhadi‐Marín J, Félix‐Oliveira D, Carvalho MD, Mendes JL, Baptista P, Pereira JA (2022) Presence and distribution of the African citrus psyllid in São Tomé island. Journal of Applied Entomology. early view
* Hollis D (1984) Afrotropical jumping plant lice of the family Triozidae (Homoptera: Psylloidea). Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Entomology 49 (1), 1-102.
* Hollis D (1984) Afrotropical jumping plant lice of the family Triozidae (Homoptera: Psylloidea). Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History, Entomology 49 (1), 1-102.