Trioza erytreae(TRIZER)
Distribution details in Mauritius
From CABI Pest map 234 (2016): Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (2009/087) : a programme of biological control (Tamarixia dryi) provided an effective control of T. erytreae.
* Aubert B, Étienne J, Quilici S, Gottwald TR (2008) Citrus huanglongbing experiences of integrated vector management (IVM) in Réunion and Guadeloupe, two ultra-peripheral regions of the European Union. International Conference on Huanglongbing (Orlando, Florida, US, 2008-12-01/05), 9 pp.
* Catling, H. D. (1973) Plant Protection Bulletin, FAO 21 (4), 78-82.
* Lichou, J.; Aubert, B. (1976) Revue Agricole et Sucriere de l'Ile Maurice 55 (1/2), 173-187.
* Catling, H. D. (1973) Plant Protection Bulletin, FAO 21 (4), 78-82.
* Lichou, J.; Aubert, B. (1976) Revue Agricole et Sucriere de l'Ile Maurice 55 (1/2), 173-187.