Pucciniastrum minimum(THEKMI)
Distribution details in Germany
First recorded in: 2015
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some parts of the Member State concerned (2020-04)
From CABI Disease map 1208 (2022): Present, restricted distribution
EPPO Reporting Service (2016/057) : first found in June 2015 on young potted plants of Vaccinium corymbosum in a greenhouse located in Lower-Saxony. Then found in other nurseries and garden centrers in Lower-Saxony. Under eradication.
EPPO Reporting Service (2019/215) : in July 2019, T. minima was found on Vaccinium plants in a garden centre in Brandenburg. Under eradication.
From NPPO (2020-04): found in October 2019 in a nursery in Saxony following trace back investigations related to the outbreak in Brandenburg. Declared eradicated in 2020-04.
Also found in October 2019 in a nursery (outdoors) in Schleswig-Holstein. Declared eradicated in 2020-04. However, there are indications that the pathogen occurs on wild Vaccinium in this region.
EPPO Reporting Service (2019/215) : in July 2019, T. minima was found on Vaccinium plants in a garden centre in Brandenburg. Under eradication.
From NPPO (2020-04): found in October 2019 in a nursery in Saxony following trace back investigations related to the outbreak in Brandenburg. Declared eradicated in 2020-04.
Also found in October 2019 in a nursery (outdoors) in Schleswig-Holstein. Declared eradicated in 2020-04. However, there are indications that the pathogen occurs on wild Vaccinium in this region.
* NPPO of Germany (2016-03, 2019-10, 2020-04).
JKI Express-PRA on Thekopsora minima: http://pflanzengesundheit.jki.bund.de/dokumente/upload/fee0d_thekopsora-minima_express-pra.pdf
* Wichura A, Brand T, Böhm J (2020) Occurrence of Thekopsora minima on highbush blueberries in Lower Saxony 2015–2016: prevalence, susceptibility of varieties and some aspects of infection biology. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 127, 359-366.
JKI Express-PRA on Thekopsora minima: http://pflanzengesundheit.jki.bund.de/dokumente/upload/fee0d_thekopsora-minima_express-pra.pdf
* Wichura A, Brand T, Böhm J (2020) Occurrence of Thekopsora minima on highbush blueberries in Lower Saxony 2015–2016: prevalence, susceptibility of varieties and some aspects of infection biology. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 127, 359-366.
Country | State | Status | |
Belgium | Absent, pest eradicated | ||
Netherlands | Present, restricted distribution |