EPPO Global Database

Bothrogonia ferruginea(TETTFE)

Distribution details in Malaysia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2024: Present, no details
* Mitchell CM, Paynter Q, Morton S, McGrannachan CM, McGrath Z, Day MD, Shohaimi MSM, Zulkifli NIM, Kadir AA, Ismail NA, Jamil SZ, Saranum MM, Haron FF (2024) Genetic matching and the identification of a promising biocontrol agent validates a decision to survey natural enemies of Urena lobata in Malaysia. Biological Control 195, 105533.

* Knight WJ (2010) Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) of the Pacific. An annotated systematic checklist of the leafhoppers recorded in the Pacific region during the period 1758 - 2000. https://tymbal.org/KnightCatalogue.pdf
------- with references
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Indonesia Java Present, no details view...
Indonesia Present, no details view...
Indonesia Kalimantan Present, no details view...
Indonesia Sumatra Present, no details view...
Singapore Present, no details view...
Thailand Present, no details view...